Thursday, May 1, 2008

1 month down

Today marks one month since our little incident. I can't help but think about what it would be like to be 11 or so weeks pregnant. How bad would my boobs be hurting now? Would I still fit into my clothes? I try not to dwell, but still, I think these things.

I made myself do two things this last week to attempt to move on. I left a "we're so excited for you" note on my friends desk (the friend who started telling people last week that they were pregnant) and Demetri and I went and bought a little boy outfit for our friends who are having their shower on Saturday. I'm not going, but a friend is bringing the gift for me.

To help in the "control" department, I've started charting my basal body temperature. It's been helpful in that it has allowed me/us to feel like we are "still in the game" as well as determine the days I'm ovulating, since we're trying to avoid those days this month. I still haven't had a period yet, so I have no idea how many days my cycle is going to be...hence, BBT.

I purchased an old Hoosier Cabinet last weekend...I need a project to distract me. So, I began the refurbishing process...when I remember I'll post photos on the other blog.

All in all, I'm surviving...we're surviving

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