Monday, August 24, 2009

26 Weeks

A fun surprise today at the doctor - 4D shots!!!  They were too cool not to share!
baby weighs about 2.3 lbs - which is on par for 27 weeks - which I'll be on Thursday, so babe is a little big, but maybe that means he/she can come early.  Kidneys are still a bit bigger than they'd like (but no bigger than last time) and there seems to be a bit of urine reflux hanging out around the kidneys...this normally heals itself either in the womb or shortly after birth, but there's no "anatomical" blockage down there, so the doctor wasn't too concerned...just means we get to go back in a month :)
Oh, and so you know, the doctor also relayed that more and more people are opting not to find out what the sex his words "there aren't enough pleasant surprises in life" :)  So - all you pregnant ladies - STAY STRONG!  don't give into the pressure to find out :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Things I cannot do anymore

This is in no way meant to be a complaint, rather an interesting take on what actually happens during pregnancy that no one really tells you

~ see my toes

~ bend over to touch my toes - ok, well actually it's more like bending over to touch my ankles, cause who am I kidding...I don't remember the last time I could touch my toes

~ laugh without "leaking"

~ sit or stand for more than 2 hours at a time

~ lift a small child

~ stain a deck (long story)

~ sit straight up from a lying position - this now resembles some sort of roll move and a sideways push-up

~ sleep through the night

~ deal with stress

~ take a'd think this would be a no brainer, but somehow, the mid-afternoon nap eludes me