Friday, March 27, 2009

Still Knocked Up

Hello All - I just heard from Nurse Stephanie and she confirmed we're still HCG levels went from 185 on Friday to 3201 today.  The goal was only 1500 - 1600, so since I jumped so high, they want me to come in for an ultrasound on Monday to make sure the baby's growing in the right location (i.e., not in my fallopian tube), which is what an unusually high jump like this could mean.  Or, it could mean we're having twins :)  or, it just means that I will run "high"...some women do. 
Needless to say, I'm still freaking out.  So, if you have a moment and are in a place where you can send a little prayer my way, I'd really appreciate it.  All this suspense is slowly killing me, I'm sure of it! :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

And Baby Makes Three

In case I missed telling you (in which case, I'm SO SORRY), our test was POSITIVE yesterday!

Baby Pouli will be making his/her grand entrance on Thanksgiving this year.

As soon as my brain wraps itself around the idea, I'll post more on how crazy the last few days have been. Thanks for all your prayers!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Interim Update

So, we have 4 days and counting until the "big news day" and I thought I'd take this opportunity to update all of you on my world. I'm pretty sure they give you these hormones just to screw with you. They know this is one of the biggest things in people's life, so they decide to take it to the next level by making you wait 15 days AND put you on hormones. sick joke :)

Aside from reminding myself that the crazy mood swings/emotions are all products of hormones that are, for the most part, out of my control, I spend most days trying not to analyze every twinge or pain my body has as "something that may indicate I'm pregnant." This mental exercise dynamic duo is beginning to take it's toll, as I'm starting to lose some of the initial positive thinking I had a mere 10 days ago.

I think God must know this, as he's placed several people in my/our path this week to serve as His hands and feet to encourage us (well, me really) to stay positive. I will not name all of you, but you know who you are and, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You!

On a side note, Demetri's sister is pregnant...the fun just keeps on coming!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 15

Hello All - So, today was our big day!  Our appointment was at 11 and, no lie, the actual procedure took less than 60 seconds...a bit anti-climactic, but hopefully effective.
Now, the worst part...waiting.  We don't go back until March 20th for our pregnancy test...what the crap!  15 days!  OIY!  Pray that I don't lose my mind!

Check us out!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 13

Hello all - I just heard back from my nurse and she confirmed that everything is finally a "go" for our IUI...we had a little detour on Sunday as my follicle was only 16 mm, instead of the required 20 for insemination.  Apparently my little follicle did not appreciate being called small as he jumped to a whopping 21.6mm today!
So, I'll take my shot tonite and our appointment is scheduled for 11am on Thursday.  As long as I avoid "bouncy" things, high-impact aerobics and crunches, there's really nothing that I'm restricted from doing...however, so that I mentally feel better, I'll probably  be avoiding anything that remotely looks like least until we know if it actually took this time :)  ok, maybe walking, but that's it!
After Thursday, my next appointment won't be until around the 20th, when I go back to see if we got pregnant this time...I'm really thankful that we have some stuff scheduled between now and then, but seriously, if you guys have anything going on that we can do with you that will keep my mind off it, that'd be great!
Thanks for your prayers!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 11...

...turned out not to be the fun filled day I was anticipating. US and BW this morning showed 1 (with maybe 2 more) maturing follicle but it was only 16mm, rather than the 20mm which is apparently the goal. So, no shot tonite and no turkey baster on Tuesday. Instead, Tuesday is more US and BW to see if I have put on the 4 necessary millimeters so I can get the turbo boost.

Thanks for checking, though...