Yesterday I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Sweeney's office (ultrasound man) to see how I was "progressing." I decided I could be brave and go by myself, which was fine until I was in the waiting room and another couple were there filling out there first time visit paperwork (outloud practically) and announced to the room that her due date was November 20th. B*tch.
I made it back to the exam room and the tech wanted to double check with Dr. Sweeney on whether or not he really wanted a scan or just a blood draw. After about 15 minutes, she came back to say no scan, just blood work. So out I went to the lab tech, who, by the way the son of Dr. Sweeney...
On Monday when I was there, he was trying to make casual conversation while he's sticking me (left arm), so he says "So, basketball team or less?" Huh? He clarifies "are you trying to have enough for a basketball team, or just one or two?" First, I'm in your office with no noticeable belly and no mascara either because I've cried it all off and you're asking me how many kids I want? Right now, I'd settle for just one! Second, who actually tries for that many kids?! So, I respond "oh, maybe two or three, but right now I'm just concerned with getting the first one"
On Wednesday, I'm back. I roll up the sleeve (left arm) and he's making more appropriate idle chatter. When I ask which arm he wants, he says "Same as last time. I'm going to try and hit the same spot so you don't look like a heroin addict." Huh?
Well, he did something wrong this time because my elbow crease is PURPLE! Then I found out from my OB that I have to come in and have my blood re-drawn by them so it can be typed to determine if I need to have Rogam...something about fetal cells in my blood stream that may affect future pregnancies. Right arm, thank you very much!
The fun just keeps coming!
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