Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Belly full of baby

I'm in Motherhood Maternity Sunday afternoon and the following takes place:
Sales Lady:  Hi, can I help you?
Me: Yes, do you all sell nursing bras?
Sales  Lady: Yes, we do...when are you due?
Me: End of November - Thanksgiving
Sales Lady stops walking, turns around and looks at me and says: Are you having twins?
Me: No
Sales Lady: Wow, cause you are all belly!
Me: Um, thanks...


Kim said...

That was my biggest pet peeve when I was pregnant! AH! Oh well, being all belly is good because you lose it all pretty quickly :)

Ashley said...

Girl you think you have a big belly...you should check out mine! I'm already as big as a 37 1/2 weeker and way more uncomfortable than I ever was carrying Emma.

You look great! Hope your enjoying every minute of it. The baby will be here before you know it. Have you done the nursery yet?