Friday, November 7, 2008

[Insert exasperated noise here]

I had my annual exam yesterday - which also included a "why am I having such a hard time getting pregnant" conversation. Background: my doctor's appointment was on day 49 of my period and only one pink line. I love my GYN, so I wasn't panicked too much about having to have this conversation. She was super sweet and attentive and thorough...she checked for some thyroid conditions and proceeded with the exam. Then she said the two words that no one that's trying to get pregnant wants to hear..."fertility clinic."

Apparently my symptoms/story were leading her to believe that I may have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome , which, as it turns out, was confirmed today when she called me back with the results of my blood test. (Please don't panic...I do not have all the nasty hair growth they refer to in this article...I do however have most of the other stuff.)

*Please also note my favorite part of this article that states "Roughly 70 to 90 percent of women with PCOS who take fertility drugs ovulate, and of those, half go on to conceive within six to nine months. Unfortunately, one in five of those pregnancies miscarries."

I am in the process of scheduling an appointment with an endocrinologist to be further evaluated and could help us with the options.

Just when you think this can't get better, it does.


Taegs said...

I love you. That's all I got.

Ashley said...

You know that God has put us back in touch for a reason right?

I too have PCOS and have ovulated, conceived and delivered the most precious little girls. Hopefully you will get a great Dr. The fertility clinics are awesome! They give you all this special attention and care and they really want to get you pregnant. I've had a great experience with mine.

We tried Clomid but I'm now labeled as a "Clomid failure." We do the shots and over all it's not that bad. Once we started at the clinic I was pregnant by month 3. Now trying for #2 has been a completely different story going on a year and a half of shots and one miscarriage. But it's all in God's timing. Don't loose hope. It'll all come in His timing.

If you ever want to talk or have questions that you want to run by me or just want to understand the procedures and Dr. speak give me a call. I'd love to walk through this with you.
