Faithful followers, I have not left you...I'm just to freakin tired to write a coherent sentence :)
To catch you up, I've been hungover for about a month. That's the best way to describe this blessed first I partied too hard last night. I'm tired ALL THE TIME and am queasy...the kind of queasy you wish would just go ahead and turn into vomiting cause then you'd feel better, but it never does so you try in vain to eat thinking that will help and it doesn't. What does seem to make it go away for a little while is salt and grease (Think: Lays potato chips). Thursday we entered the world of eating every 2 hours or else, so that's made going to the grocery store a little more creative.
As for my state of mind, when I'm not asleep with my eyes open, it's all over the place. Week 9 saw my first hormonal explosion at work and I'm not sure if it was hormones or just being tired. I'm still nervous when the belly aches, and I'm nervous when it stops aching. I keep reminding myself that bad = period cramps and bright red blood...neither of which I've the aches are just growing pains :)
My next ultrasound isn't for another 8 or so weeks, and you know I find that unacceptable, so we may go out and purchase a doppler monitor...apparently you can get them in a "portable" version and it lets you hear the heartbeat at home...I'm thinking that when I'm nervous either way, we can just strap that puppy on and breathe easy.
I still have no desire to find out the sex, nor do I "know" what it is (although I do say "he" when speaking about the belly). The planner in me is getting a little antsy to start registering and buying furniture, etc., but I think I'm going to wait and hit it hard in the 2nd trimester, when I have energy...
ok...8pm = bed time so I'm off...thanks for coming back and checking up on us!