Monday, March 31, 2008

A Setback

Ever since we found out we were pregnant, I've had some minor brown spotting (hey, you knew this was going to be a pregancy blog...don't be shocked) both on the liners I was wearing and on the toilet paper. Well, anyone that knows anything about pregnancy knows that anything other than clear on either of those places is just bad. So, even after the nurse called to say it was positive, I called my friend Kristen, who is a PA at an OB/GYN office, to describe the situation. She said it sounded normal, and my research indicated that a little color is not necessarily bad.

The spotting continued, as did the aches and pains in my lower abdomen. I did a little research and found that "all bodies are different" (yadda yadda yadda) and that some women feel this. It's "normal." I was 10 days from my first appointment and just couldn't stand the worrying anymore, so I called the doctor's office and the nurse practitioner said that it sounded normal, but what I should be worried about is anything that feels like period cramps and heavy bleeding like a period. I hadn't had a period since Feb 4th, so it's been a while...not that you forget what cramps feel like, but after a while, all the aches and pains run together.

Turns out, I didn't have to wait very long to be reminded...the very next day (Saturday), I woke up and was making breakfast and my belly really ached...I just assumed it was a "growing pain." (Anything that goes from a sesame seed (5 weeks) to a BB gun pellet (6 weeks) has to cause some discomfort, right?) And then I went to the bathroom. What greeted me on the toilet paper was bright red. Instantly sobbing.

That's pretty much how the rest of the weekend went...more aching, more bright red...then on Sunday afternoon I finally called my mom to tell her what was happening (I believe my exact words were "I don't think I'm pregnant anymore"). She encouraged/instructed me to call the on-call OB, which I did and I was told to lay low and stay in and not to go out if I don't have to. Demetri interpreted that as "keep your butt on this couch except when you have to pee." Fun for the first 3 hours...then it gets old. In addition to laying low, I was instructed to call the physician on Monday (today) and be seen and have blood work done. Demetri was trying to be upbeat, but I knew and at times I'm pretty sure I was inconsolable.

During the night, I was woken up by the most intense pain I've ever felt (to date) in my belly. I actually got up and sat in the shower with the hot water on my belly for some relief...which eventually translated into a heating pad on my belly, then on my back after that didn't work, just to rest. Finally, I made it back to sleep, but wasn't surprised when the 1/2 dollar size clot showed up when I got up to pee this morning.

I assumed the position on the couch and waited for 8 when I could call the doctor. After a few calls back and forth, she informed me I had an appointment with Dr. Sweeny, a specialist in maternal fetal medicine, for an ultrasound. Fantastic. I'm already to the point where there just going to check and see if it's empty?! Demetri had gone to work and I was going to call him and let him know what the deal was. Then he called to say he was on his way home to come with me to the appointment (I'm telling you, the best EVER!)

Appointment time: Demetri and I in the exam room with my belly covered in goo...she sees my uterus and right ovary (the left one was a little camera shy I guess) and goes out to get the doctor. He comes in and does some scanning of his own and then says there's a spot he wants to look at a little closer, would I mind if he did a trans-vaginal ultrasound...would I mind? Did I have a choice?! Demetri is still in the room when I'm instructed to undress from the waist down and put my feet in the stirrups. Again, still in the room when the tech puts a condom-like piece of plastic on the probe and pops that sucker in there...priceless, I'm telling you, priceless!

What the Doctor sees is the "remants" of a pregnancy...a few dark spots on the monitor that obviously don't resemble a 7-week shocker there. But, he does want to make sure that it's coming out now as it should, so I had some blood drawn to find a baseline for my hormones, and am instructed to come back for round 2 on Wednesday...can't wait.

At any rate, that's our story for now. I'll have to change the title of this little rambling of mine/ours...but I haven't thought of anything witty or sarcastic enough yet, so this will have to do.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Longest far

Thursday, March 20th was the longest day of my life.

We decided we were going to tell my parents about the baby when they arrived at the airport on Friday, March, I had to wait Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday and overnight before I could spill the beans...(as an aside, I also had to keep my mouth shut during our baby conversation at small group on Thursday night!)

Friday morning finally came and I was about to leap out of my skin I was so excited! We were late leaving (duh) and they were already waiting for their baggage by the time we got down there. We made these paper signs - like the ones that drivers use when they're coming to pick up a stranger - that said "Grandma Diehl" and "Grandpa Diehl." So as we were walking up, we flashed the signs and it took a minute for it to register with both of them...then my mom starts crying and my Dad starts jumping up an down like a crazy man, then gets a little teary eyed...but they were pretty ecstatic for quite some time. I was really sweet.

I think she plans on keeping those signs...they'll more than likely end up framed on the nursery wall :)

5 Weeks

By the time we found out we were pregnant, we were already 5 weeks! It was only after 3 inconclusive home tests (argh!) and one trip to the doctor's office for blood work that I discovered how baby math is actually done...I just assumed you counted from the date you concieved...nope, from the first day of your last period. Interesting. So, using the greatest invention ever - the Internet - I found a due date calculator that spit back out November 17th.

NOVEMBER 17TH!!!!!!!!